欢迎来到Azwar & Associates的中国客户支持中心

Our China Client Support Center is dedicated to providing comprehensive legal services tailored to the needs of our Chinese clients. We understand the unique challenges and opportunities that come with doing business in Malaysia, and we are here to assist you every step of the way.

Key Features of Our China Client Support Center:

Bilingual Support:

  • Our team includes Mandarin-speaking lawyers to ensure clear communication and understanding.

  • All documents and communications can be provided in both English and Mandarin.

Expertise in Cross-Border Legal Matters:

  • Specialized in handling cross-border transactions, mergers and acquisitions, and joint ventures between Malaysia and China.

  • Assistance with regulatory compliance, trade issues, and dispute resolution.

Business Services:

  • Incorporation and setup of Malaysian companies.

  • Guidance on Malaysia's investment landscape and legal framework.

  • Ongoing legal support for business operations in Malaysia.

Immigration and Employment Law:

  • Visa and work permit applications.

  • Employment law advice and compliance.

  • Assistance with relocating employees to Malaysia.

Notary Public Services:

  • Certified notarial services for legal documents, including affidavits, powers of attorney, contracts, and other legal documents.

  • Notarization of documents for use internationally.

  • Apostille and authentication services for documents to be used in China.

Dedicated Contact:

  • Direct access to our China Client Support Center team for prompt and personalized assistance.

  • Regular updates and briefings on relevant legal and business developments.

Get in touch with us




  • 我们的团队包括会讲普通话的律师,确保沟通顺畅。

  • 所有文件和交流都可以提供英文和中文版本。


  • 专注处理马来西亚和中国之间的跨境交易、并购和合资企业。

  • 协助遵守法规、解决贸易问题和处理争议。


  • 帮助在马来西亚注册和设立公司。

  • 提供马来西亚投资环境和法律框架的指导。

  • 为在马来西亚的业务运营提供持续法律支持。


  • 办理签证和工作许可。

  • 提供雇佣法建议及合规协助。

  • 帮助员工搬迁到马来西亚。


  • 提供法律文件的公证服务,如宣誓书、授权书、合同等。

  • 为在国际使用的文件提供公证服务。

  • 为在中国使用的文件提供认证和公证服务。


  • 直接联系中国客户支持团队,确保快速、个性化的服务。

  • 定期提供相关法律和业务发展的最新信息。


Azwar & Associates是一家成立于2005年的律师事务所。我们专注于为客户提供全面的法律服务,尤其擅长处理跨境法律事务。我们的团队包括经验丰富的律师,能够用英语和中文为客户服务。我们致力于为中国客户在马来西亚的商业活动提供专业的法律支持和指导。


Azwar & Associates 荣获多个国际奖项,成绩斐然:

  • 2021年获CorporateINTL颁发“马来西亚年度商业律师”奖项

  • 2021年获Global Law Experts授予“马来西亚年度精品企业律师事务所”称号

  • 2020年获Leaders in Law评为“马来西亚年度企业律师事务所”,2021年荣获“马来西亚年度企业律师”

  • 2020 & 2023 年获Leaders in Law授予“马来西亚年度企业及商业律师”

  • 2022年荣膺International Elite 100评选的“马来西亚年度商业律师”